College of Medicine Business Office

The College of Medicine Business Office supports the dean’s office by providing the financial and administrative management of the College of Medicine departments and centers. Our responsibilities include managing the budgeting process, financial accounting for the College and the South Alabama Medical Science Foundation, development of policies and procedures, training and education, auditing of expenditures, and reporting.


▼   Business Office Contacts

Main Address
COM Business Office
5795 USA Drive North
CSAB 104
Mobile, AL 36688
Phone: (251) 460-7195
Fax: (251) 460-6071


Maya Mirzoeva, Associate Dean, Finance & Administration, COM
(251) 460-7195, ext. 6-7802 

Patricia Powe, Business Manager
(251) 460-7195, ext. 6-7799 

Mona Spencer, Business Manager
(251) 460-7195, ext. 6-1584 

Alena Tarasevich, Accountant III
(251) 460-7195, ext. 6-7126

Jacob Henry, Accountant II
(251) 460-7195, ext. 6-7196 

William Nguyen, Accountant II
(251) 460-7195, ext. 6-6822

Sue Reinhardt, Manager, COM Administrative Services
(251) 460-7195, ext. 6-1740