PhD Common Questions
The Mitchell PhD is also a good fit for instructors in business schools and colleges seeking a doctoral degree.
However, students enrolled in the PhD program may be eligible for up to $20,500 per year in Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loans. The maximum amount that graduate students may borrow under the Federal Direct Loan Program is $138,500. Federal Graduate PLUS loans are federally sponsored loans that may allow credit-worthy graduate students to borrow up to the full cost of the program, less other financial aid received including Federal Direct Loans. Both programs are administered by the USA Office of Financial Aid.
Click here for more info Click here for more info on Financial Aid.
This a lock step program for students in either of the concentrations. You will enroll
in the same courses as those in your cohort group. Our PhD program is designed to
meet during weekends - three weekends in the summer and four weekends in the fall
and spring. This allows U.S. students to return to their place of work during the
week. Each semester, you'll be enrolled in two courses during the weekends (Friday
- Sunday).Classes meet during mornings, afternoons, and late evenings. On Sundays,
you'll have classes until about noon. See table below.
There is no online component to the PhD program during the first 2-years other than
interactions with faculty between weekend classes and submissions.
For more information and program dates, please visit
The maximum number of attempts to accomplish the comprehensive exam will be limited to two. If the 1st attempt is not successful, then the 2nd should be satisfactorily completed before the end of the semester.